i don\'t know: WAZ UP
thats all i gotta tell you
(10 Sep 2003)
shari emami: At what age did most of you learn persian?
Do not forget to email me, thanks.
(10 Sep 2003)
yousef: Salam Dostan, Man pesari hastam 26 saleh ba ghaddeh 175cm va vazn 70kg
ashena be computer va zaban Englisi.
Donbaleh dostani hastam ke ahle ESHGH va HAl bashand agar shoma
hastid barayam E-MAIL beferestid.(ykhosh@kashan.com)
Payandeh bad IRAN va IRANI.
(09 Sep 2003)
arash: joone har ki doos darin, age axe sex az niki,la'ya,hedye va bekhosoos leila forohar darin, baram mail konid.ye donya mamnnoooooooooon.
(09 Sep 2003)
Veeru: Very useful site for upgrowing brains.
(09 Sep 2003)
Malin: 666,världens bästa musik.. det finns ju bättre men han knäcker så jävla hårt,den bästa låten som han har gjort det e nog "ALARMA" jag menar ÄKTA partylåt
(09 Sep 2003)
ddm,: Amazing! Keep up the good work...(09 Sep 2003)
shari emami: Hi, can someone view my sites and tell me what they think? I am one of the very few part Euro part Iranian high fahion models. I will only accept comments in my email, and please be nice and positive. Thank you everyone a nd have a wonderful day. Bless all of you :)
(07 Sep 2003)