erin: proof that boys are stupid
boys make up theories that girls require time and money, thus far correct. However the equation would then be Girls = time + money, not Girls = time * money
(21 Aug 2003)
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(21 Aug 2003)
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(20 Aug 2003)
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(20 Aug 2003)
Phentermine: Wow, this is a great web site. I am so glad I found it, thank you.
It is funny, I was just talking to my friend about their web site, and they said they like your site too! Do you know my friend Alice?
(20 Aug 2003)
[Anonymous]: Amazing! Keep up the good work...(20 Aug 2003)
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(19 Aug 2003)
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(19 Aug 2003)
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(19 Aug 2003)
Mujtaaba: A very good Luck for Irish and Iranian!!
(19 Aug 2003)
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(19 Aug 2003)
Admin: Its a pleasure corresponding with you and your site I hope all the success for you.
(18 Aug 2003)
Rori: Your site needs to take the Michael Jackson degrading out of it. Michael Jackson is a really good guy. What has he ever done to you? Has he really ever done anything wrong? NO! Quit the bullshit, your a really horrible person to be judging Michael, your too qucik to judge!
(18 Aug 2003)
Rachele: HI Steve. I have been looking for you ever since you said you would bring MaSai for a visit. I would like to see and hear from MaSai. Reply as soon as possible. Thanks
(18 Aug 2003)
Jwaltmk: Cool site, interesting names.
(18 Aug 2003)