Behrooz Noei: Hello How are you.You are the best actress in iran.I like your good personality. I hope your acsts in movi always be succesfull
(09 Dec 2002)
arash/iman: salaam,
movaffagh bashi.
(08 Dec 2002)
Amjad Musleh: Nice and awsome site man. I loved it. Please check out mine and tell me what you think. If you wanna get a laugh go to the opinion page and read some of the articles i am told the best one is the "I am better than your kids" article. check it out and tell me what you think. Really loved your site. peace.
(08 Dec 2002)
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(04 Dec 2002)
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(04 Dec 2002)
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(04 Dec 2002)
Ashley: Hey you is cute just thought i would sign while i was here chat with ya lata!
(04 Dec 2002)
Jodie amd Joanne and Jenny: Great show the whole thing about the German vilage of f**king and the fingerinhoe and cox cox and cox parkin in rear it was all very funny indeed!!
(03 Dec 2002)
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(03 Dec 2002)
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(03 Dec 2002)
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(02 Dec 2002)
Arshia: cool website.
just looking for yahoo smilies and found your webpage. cool I am an elec eng too grad from UBC.
Good luck.
(01 Dec 2002)
Jeanie Whiteside: Just caught your show one night while flipping channels and LOVE it. SO funny. Have been getting the re-runs lately and still laugh. Great sense of humor you possess. Keep the laughs coming. You and Dolly. Can't wait to see! Jean
(01 Dec 2002)
reza ataei seresht: az ashnai ba shoma khosh hal shodam .man terme 1 foghe mokhaberat ra dar orumieh mikhanam.glad to meetu.
(30 Nov 2002)
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(30 Nov 2002)