Miss Emma Faran Molaei: Salaam, wow what a cool site! Recommend it highly, if any Persians in London wanna get in contact send email to em@xlshop.com.
(10 Jul 2002)
John McPherson: Hey, the personal injury cases you refer to here are urban legends and never happened! See snopes.com for further details. Stumbled on your website in a google search to see how widespread theses urban myth cases are - they are everywhere! A powerful insurance industry behind it? again, see snopes.com for a detailed account.
(07 Jul 2002)
hedieh: man kheili shabihe shoma hastam
(06 Jul 2002)
Bush: I am very proud of you persians you have got your self to the top let us hope that other iranians like you can do the same. Good Luck
(06 Jul 2002)
Fox: One of the greatest sites I have ever seen..(04 Jul 2002)
suzana: cool
thank to enjoy brazil soccer team
(04 Jul 2002)
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(04 Jul 2002)
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(04 Jul 2002)
shahin: Ahmad
You gotta watch this :
this is Hilarious!!! I almost fainted out!!!!
(04 Jul 2002)