Guest Book Page 610


Mariam Vahida: zendeh bad ahmad de shaq;) (15 Mar 2001)

Ahmad: Nice Site!(13 Mar 2001)

Ahmad Moatesim: Nice work... 'You got same name & same interests...we both like to burn "b.ball". visit my page some day & take it easy, Ahmad Moatesim (22 Feb 2001)

Smiles: Great web site! I surfed in through an ICQ Webring, and did enjoy my visit here... (18 Jan 2001)

Ali Azimnezhad: Hi, You have a cool site; keep it up ... Good luck and have fun --Ali (15 Jan 2001)

Melania KB: hey how are you? enjoyed to see you. good luckup ... Good luck and have fun --Ali (03 Jan 2001)

Farzin: Great web site! My web site is not as good as yours but you should check it out! Peace by brother. Allah ho Akbar (27 Dec 2000)

Delaram: I just wanted to say that your web page is VERY nice!! It is clear that you have put much effort into it!! I loved your photos and your modified section. Good luck!! (10 Dec 2000)

Moji: Nice site, keep up the good work (30 Nov 2000)

Vini Kerigan: hi ahmad how are you doing i'hope you are ok any way i'just want to tell you that your home page it's very cool and i'lik it a lot but i'just want to ask you for a helpp if you can i'want some iranian chat site but in english becouse i'm not iranian but i'like to chat with iranian the are very kind so if you can helpp me you have my email ok thank you Phone/Fax 0035314960516 (17 Oct 2000)

Nasrin: you are intelligent (09 Sep 2000)

SAber: hi really Such a nice Page and such a nice Design GoOD Luck ICQ# 81616712 (22 Aug 2000)