Collection Of Cool Nicknames - Page 20


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1,900 ~@shaNti~
1,901 fool me once, shame on u. fool me twice,
1,902 what am i? flypaper for freaks?
1,903 U go gurl!!.......But your boyfriend cou
1,904 An angel is what i was meant to be.....t
1,905 God made land....God made sea...God need
1,906 Roses are red, their leaves are green...
1,907 4 all u ppl who talk bout me!!!......i j
1,908 jus kidding dearz... luv ya ;)
1,909 *confused sumtimes*
1,910 but i still luv ya :(
1,911 but anyhow i still love u... in sum way
1,912 shaggy baby
1,913 adu
1,914 hot boy
1,915 love don't cost a thing
1,916 amir
1,917 dodomix
1,918 little toy
1,919 sexy diva
1,920 Girls will be Girls and Boys will be Toy
1,921 Playboy
1,922 skate
1,923 did u fall from heaven???? will get back
1,924 i asked my wife were u wana go on vecati
1,925 supercalifragilisticexpialidocious -- Sh
1,926 skundud
1,927 hell's fire ---> burning up !! :(
1,928 If I'm dead, burry me upside down, so th
1,929 stylin it in 2002
1,930 U_wouldnt_want_2_mess_wiv_da_best_cos_da
1,931 sexy puppy
1,932 princess of me
1,933 2002 styles r me posted by u wouldnt wan
1,934 100% Cute funny angel like and sweet cos
1,935 snuggle bunny
1,936 God made Pepsi...God made Coke......God
1,937 sexy n nice lead 2 1 thang love
1,938 dude-a dud with an attitude
1,939 Kezza
1,940 the greatest thing you'll ever learn is
1,941 *~ † *~ † Killa IS IN DA HOUSE*~ † *~ †
1,942 psycho hosebeast
1,943 *kiss and tell*
1,944 ~Guys are like mini skirts they creep up
1,945 if love is not a game... whyh is there s
1,946 I'm AsKiN u To LeAvE mE aLoNe AnD iM tEl
1,947 Fatima Mohamed
1,948 Lifez A Roller Coaster...Just Got Ta Rid
1,949 Prince Of Darkness
1,950 Anurati-Love
1,951 Princess Of Love
1,952 crazy4u
1,953 ocifer_ take me drunk im home
1,954 in life we love the one who we can't hav
1,955 roses r red...violets r blue...sugar is
1,956 i am SO irezistible
1,957 typically you*~
1,958 Flippmode
1,959 niftys, 50s grease ball
1,960 tOoKi BiRd
1,961 sumbudy sum1
1,962 innocent criminal
1,963 gurlz and boys we alll know that english
1,964 Minion of the living dead
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