Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to watmath!looking!funny .
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. I will reply, mailers willing.
I reply to all submissions, but about 30% of the replies bounce.
From wgm@mbunix.UUCP Thu Nov 17 10:30:03 1988
Flags: 000000000000
From: wgm@mbunix.UUCP (Woodhouse)
Subject: Pastoral Visits
Keywords: gross, smirk
Date: 17 Nov 88 16:30:03 GMT
Organization: The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, Mass.
A pastor was visiting an elderly lady who was a "shut in." Since she didn't
get very many visitors, she went on incessantly about her problems while the
pastor nibbled on some peanuts on the coffee table in front of him. After
about a half hour, and with his endurance almost expended, he politely
interrupted, explaining that he had other appointments that afternoon and
said, "I'm afraid I've eaten most of your peanuts while I was listening and I
would like to leave you a couple of dollars so that you can get some more."
"No," replied the woman, "With my dentures I can't chew them. It's all I can
do just to suck the chocolate off them."
G. Mark Woodhouse