NOTICE TO USERS The Water Closet Site Administrator (WCSITADMIN) For This Commode Equipment Unit Has Elected A Most Recently Used (MRU) Protocol With Regard To The Seat Placement For The Equipments At This Site.

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The Water Closet Site Administrator (WCSITADMIN) for this
commode equipment unit has elected a Most Recently Used (MRU)
protocol with regard to the seat placement for the equipments
at this site.

All users are requested to make determination as to their
gender and intended use before attempting to use these equipments.
Users should then determine the desired seat placement, based on
this information, and chart 1, attached. Having made this deter-
mination, users should compare the actual seat placement, as
determined by direct observation, with the desired seat placement
determined above, and take the appropriate action, based on chart
2, attached.

It should be noted that the MRU protocol confers the following
advantages vice the more commonly attempted INTHAMITH protocol:

Worst-case turn-around is improved, as in no case are
two seat-adjustments required.

Worst-case throughput is improved, for above reasons.

Average-case throughput (random gender and use) is
improved, as no compensating adjustments are performed.

Average-case throughput as measured is improved due to
uneven gender distribution among users of a given equipment.

Wear and tear on the adjustment mechanism is reduced,
yielding a greater MTBF.

User feedback is immediate and automatic, yielding a
higher compliance rate.

Comments should be addressed to the WCSITADMIN.
