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The Following Joke Circulated In The Israeli Army Some Years Ago
Short Jokes
Ethnic Jokes
The following joke circulated in the Israeli Army some years ago:
Napolean wore red tunics into battle so that if he were wounded,
the blood wouldn't show.
By the same token, the late Gamal Abdel Nasser wore brown pants.
Captain Bravado... Long ago, there lived an officer of the Royal Navy named Captain Bravado.
He was a manly man's man, who showed no fear when facing his enemies....
Pirates Long ago, when sailing ships ruled the waves, a captain and his crew were in danger of being boarded by a pirate ship.
As the crew became frantic, the captain bellowed to his First Mate, "Bring me my red shirt!...
The Captain: Long ago, when sailing ships ruled the waves, a captain and his crew were in danger of being boarded by a pirate ship.
As the crew became frantic, the captain bellowed to his First Mate, "Bring me my red shirt!...
Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to watmath!
looking!funny . Attribute the joke's source if at all possible....
Useless Beer Trivia It was the accepted practice in Babylonia 4
000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink....
A black guy and a gorilla go into a bar together. He says to the bartender, "I'd like a beer, and a gin and tonic for my girlfriend here.
The bartender says, "Oh come on, pal, we don't serve no gorillas in here....
The World According to Student Bloopers' by Richard Lederer St.
Paul's School (Spring 1987, Verbatim, The Language Quarterly, Vol....
Why is Poland just like the United States? In the United States you can't buy anything for zlotys and in Poland you can't either, while in the U.
S. you can get whatever you want for dollars, just as you can in Poland....
There is an American general, a French general, and a Iraqi general.
They were sitting on the front line, and they sent out their scouts to observe the enemy....