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Q: How Do You Confuse A Stupid Person? A: 7.
Short Jokes
Jokes Cate
Q: How do you confuse a stupid person?
A: 7.
Q: How do you blind a Chinese person? A: Put a windshield in front of him.
Q: How do you get 50 Jewish people in a car? A: Throw a dime inside.
Q: How do you get 50 germans in a car? A: Throw a Jewish person inside....
Person 1: Do you know how to save a drowning lawyer? Person 2: No. Person 1: GOOD!
Q: What's purple and commutes? A: An abelian grape.
Q: Why did the mathematician name his dog "Cauchy"?...
Q: Why do mathematicians often confuse Christmas and Halloween? A: Because Oct 31 = Dec 25.
Q: How can you tell a black person has been shot in the head? A: By the hole in his radio
Here is a joke I heard in Freiburg, Germany at the Mathematics Dept.
(from Susanne Press): Q: What do a mathematician and a physiscist [or engineer, or musician , or whatever the profession of the person adressed] have in common?...
Q: How do you catch a 'unique' rabbit? A: You (s)neak up on it.
Q: How do you catch a tame rabbit? A: The tame (same) way....
If you cannot convince them...confuse them!!!