A Woman Journalist And George Bernard Shaw Were At A Banquet.

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A woman journalist and George Bernard Shaw were at a banquet.
Throughout the meal she continually belittled him until she
finally said, "Mr. Shaw, I don't know how you can prostitute your
art the way you do"
Shaw: "Madam, in our own way, we are ALL prostitutes.
Woman: "Sir, how dare you!"
Shaw: "Madam, if I offered you ten thousand dollars, would you
go to bed with me?"
Woman (thinks): This guy is just crazy enough to pay that much
to prove a point... "Yes, I would".
Shaw: "Madam, if I offered you twenty-five cents, would you go
to bed with me?"
Woman (offended): What do you take me for???
Shaw: "That, madam, is an established fact. We're just haggling
over the price!"
