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The Selection Was Tough, I Admit. He Didn't Stutter One Little Bit.
Short Jokes
Limericks - Dirty
The selection was tough, I admit.
He didn't stutter one little bit.
He threw his arse aloft,
And he suddenly coughed.
And collapsed in a shower of shit!
A city dude walked into a cowboy bar with a cat under one arm, a six shooter on his hip and a bucket of shit in one hand.
He walked up to the bar and set down the cat and the bucket....
He was as tough as a two dollar steak
This one reminded me of a joke some of the guys on our floor pulled on another guy while he was in the shower.
While he was in the shower, they took all his clothes and even his towel and hung them outside in the hall (over water pipes in the ceiling - we were in the basement)....
The Pope is on his 1988 tour of America, in the middle of his 3 day bash in New York.
On the second day, he is driving back to his motel after a heavy days bible bashing....
A promising PhD candidate was presenting his thesis at his final examination.
He proceeded with a derivation and ended up with something like...
This guy was walking through the zoo one day. When he was in front of the gorilla cage he bent down to tie his shoe.
He noticed through the corner of his eye that the gorilla had also bent down....
It should be noted by people wishing to play practical jokes, that some people take them dead seriously.
Such people tend to escalate the level of jokes by a couple of magnitudes....
The Poles have a saying about how communist governments rewrite history
"Only the future is certain; the past is always changing" A would-be bandit failed because he had written a holdup up note on another bank's withdrawal slip....