Since a lot of people have been passing out questionares, I thought I'd
it one of my own.
1) Are you a liar?
A) Yes B) No C) None of the above
2) Do you fill out questionnares correctly?
A) Yes B) No C) None of the above D) I refuse to answer.
3) Have you ever committed adultery?
A) Yes B) No C) None of the above D) I refuse to answer.
If the answer is A or D, answer number 4.
4) Who did you commit adultery with? Please give her name and number.
5) In your opinion, are these questionnares a waste of time?
6) Are you:
A) Sexually Active B) A Married Person C) A Nun D) Sterile
7) Seriously: Which came first: the TV or TV stations?
8) Rhetorical: Is that understood young man?
9) Are you a drug dealer? Please list your sales for the last 3 months.
NOTE This application will be incomplete and rejected
unless accompanied by a complete financial statement,
school history, job history, ancestral lineage, DMV
printout, and a current medical report from your doctor....