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Q: How Do You Sneak Up On A Celery? A: Stalk.
Short Jokes
Miscellaneous Jokes
Q: How do you sneak up on a celery?
A: Stalk.
Question: How do you kill an Aggie? Answer: Sneak up on him while he's getting a drink of water, then slam the toilet seat on his head.
Q: How do you recondition an aging hooker? A: Shove a ten-pound ham up her and pull out the bone.
Q: How do you double the price of a yugo? A: Fill up the gas tank.
Q: Do you know why Nancy Reagan is always on top? A: Because Ronnie only knows how to screw up.
I was flying through the sky the other day with some blades of grass when I came across this rather interesting publication wearing a housecoat .
.. A CHILD'S STORY It was a warm summer's evening and little Timmy Tittlemonger, the scampering water-rat, was digging a hole to bury a dead wasp he'd recently killed with an old cup handle....
A belly button is for salt when you eat celery in bed.
Q: What's clear and smells like carrots? A: Bunny farts.
Q: How do you catch a unique rabbit? A: You 'neak up on him....
Q: How do you say "fuck you" in Hebrew? A: "Trust me".