One Night A Travelling Salesman Found That He Had Stayed On The Road Too Long, And That He Was Stranded In The Middle Farm Country With No Place To Sleep.

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One night a travelling salesman found that he had stayed on the road
too long, and that he was stranded in the middle farm country with no place
to sleep. Naturally, he sought refuge at the nearest farm house. The farmer
agreed to let him stay, but only as long as "you don't sneak upstairs to my
daughter's room." The salesman promised but, as with all travelling sales-
men, he found it hard to resist the lure of a farmer's daughter.

In the middle of the night the salesman crept up the stairs to the
daughter's room, where he found her naked, spread-eagled on the bed. The
salesman immediately dove between her legs and started eating her out. He
had just gotten his tongue wet, when he got a mouthful of rice. Undeterred,
he spit out the rice and resumed his tongue lashing. Once again, he got
a mouthful of rice. Puzzled, but still horny, he started eating her out
again. When he got another mouthful of rice, and still no response from
the daughter, the salesman gave up and went back to bed.

The next morning the salesman told the farmer, "I have to confess:
Last night I went up to your daughter's room." "That's okay son," replied
the kindly, old farmer. "And I have to confess that I had oral sex with
her," continued the salesman. "I ain't got a quarrel with that, son,"
replied the kindly, old farmer. "But I have just one question," concluded
the salesman, "Why is it that every time I ate her, I kept getting a mouth-
ful of rice?" "Oh that?" said the kindly, old farmer, "Them's maggots -
she's been dead ten years."
