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Q: What Did The Polish Mother Say To Her Pregnant Daughter?
Short Jokes
Miscellaneous Jokes
Q: What did the polish mother say to her pregnant daughter?
A: "Don't worry, it might not be yours."
Q: What did a Russian mother say to her son? A: "Stop picking your noses!
The unwed <ethnic> girl told her mother she was pregnant.
Her mother asked, "Are you sure it's yours?...
Q: What did the prostitute give her daughter for her birthday? A: Everything west of Broadway.
Did ya hear about the distraught Polish secretary? She thought her typewriter was pregnant because it kept missing periods.
Q: How do you get a polish woman pregnant? A: Cum in her shoes and the flies do the rest.
The mother of already three is pregnant with her fourth child.
One evening, the eldest daughter says to her dad...
A woman was unable to conceive, so she went to her doctor.
The doctor told her about the latest medical discovery, and told her to swallow three ball bearings....
Q: What does it say at the top of a Polish ladder? A: "STOP".
Q: What did one nut say to another nut? A: Why are we hanging here when it was Dick that did all the shooting?
What do Jews and pizza have in common? They both bake well in ovens!...