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Q: Have You Heard About The New Black Disaster Movie? A: It's Called A-pack-of-lips Now
Short Jokes
Questions and Answers
Q: Have you heard about the new black disaster movie?
A: It's called A-pack-of-lips Now
Q: Have you heard about the new Vietnamese cookbook? A: It's called 101 ways to wok your dog
Q: Did you hear about the new Jewish porno movie? A: It called, "Debbie Does Nothing.
Q: Hear about the new movie about looking for your popcorn?
A: Its called "The Hunt for RED-enbache...
Have you heard about that new beer called Scud Light? It takes 15 to hit you.
Heard from Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, Monday August 29
Do you hear that they are even making a movie now about Dan Quayle's Vietnam War experience....
Have you heard about the NEW Feminine Hygiene spray?
It's called S.S.Y. It takes the PU out of puSSY...
Have You heard about the new cereal that's advertised a lot on TV, called "Nut 'N' Honey"?
Well, the same company is now marketing a similar new cereal, aimed for the inner-city residents....
Did you hear about the new movie that's coming out about the fear of Arabs?
- It's called "Iraqnophobia!...
And why should you never trust the Chinese? Any country with a population of over 1 BILLION people that claims that ping-pong is their favorite indoor sport has GOT to lie about other things.
What do you call an Oriental person on Quaaludes?...