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The Republican Platform Again Fails To Support The ERA.
Short Jokes
Quip Snips
The Republican platform again fails to support the ERA. So the GOP can
correctly claim it has treated women equally for two straight elections.
The GOP has continuity. In support of the Great Communicator the keynoter was the Mediocre Communicator.
The median household income for the GOP delegates is $
52,700, compared with $20,000 for the average U.S....
At the Republican convention, some radicals presented themselves as an "organization," "Draft Dodgers for Quayle.
One of them quipped: "The GOP nominated a drug dealer and a draft dodger....
Help the "little guy" -- Vote Straight Republica
Wary Klink Live-Pillory Clinton Wary: "Hello, welcome to Wary Klink Live.
Tonight's guests will be First Lady elect Pillory Clinton....
HOW GUYS THINK By Dave Barry, Pulitzer Prize Winning Columnist From The Boston Sunday Globe
August 20, 1989 Today we're going to explore the mysterious topic of How Guys Think, which has baffled women in general, and the editors of Cosmopolitan magazine in particular, for thousands of years....
Why do women have two pairs of lips? So they can piss and moan at the same time!
Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?
Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will never be able to support you....
I fart to make you smell better." What do you call a blond with a dollar on top of her head?
All You Can Eat for under a buck! How many Male Chauvanist Pigs does it take to change a light bulb?...