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You're Born Single, Profit From The Experience
Short Jokes
You're born single, profit from the experience
Raise ducks for a quack profit.
The Baby Chicken Asks: Are I People? No You Are Chicken!
Do Chickens Come From People? No, Chickens Come From Eggs....
There was a young sailor from Brighton Who said to his girl, "You`re a tight one.
She replied, " `Pon my soul, You're in the wrong hole...
Aphorisms: ***** Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead.
Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either....
Do you know that Saddam Hussein's mother never got a bill from the hospital when he was born?
- Instead, she got a fine for illegal dumping of toxic waste....
Heard from Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, Monday August 29
Do you hear that they are even making a movie now about Dan Quayle's Vietnam War experience....
Contractors Three contractors were touring the white house on the same day.
One was from New York, another from Missouri, and the third from Florida....
NEW VERSION OF FOREM BBS SOFTWARE ---------------------------------- A new release of FoReM ST arrived yesterday.
Among the features is yet another new file transfer protocol, 'ZZZMODEM....
Three recently deceased college graduates, one from Harvard, one from Baylor and the last from Texas A&M, showed up at the Pearly Gates.
The Gates were in desperate need of repair, so St....