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On The Other Hand, You Also Have Five Fingers.
Short Jokes
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On the other hand, you also have five fingers.
On the other hand, you have different fingers.
Q: You have a small green ball in your left hand. You also have another one in your right hand.
What do you have? A: Kermit's FULL attention....
Q: What would you have if you had a moth ball in one hand and a moth ball in the other hand?
A: A bloody big moth!...
In a similar vein, tell your victim that you have a test of coordination you would like him to try with you.
Find a door with a fairly large crack between the door and the wall when the door is open....
Young Charlie is having trouble with his first grade addition homework, so his father decides to help.
He teaches the Charlie how to add small numbers by counting on his fingers....
Another practical joke under the guise of a co-ordination test is the following.
Ask your victim to take a quarter and place it on a piece of paper....
Many ALMOST Useful Facts: ** Debra Winger was the voice of E.
T. ** Pearls melt in vinegar ** It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs....