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Try Bungee Sex To Put Bounce Back Into Your Love Life!
Short Jokes
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Try bungee sex to put bounce back into your love life!
A man went to see a doctor because of a very high, squeaky, annoying voice.
The doctor examined him, and told him that the only way would be to replace his extremely large penis with a smaller one....
Your Favorite Color Is The Key To Your Sexual Life RED Tend to be tigers in the sack.
They are easily aroused and enjoy sex in every way imaginable....
Put on your seatbelt. I wanna try something.
The Fortune Telling Scale: A nun was going to Chicago.
She went to the airport and sat down waiting for her flight....
THE LAST THINGS ANY WOMAN WOULD EVER SAY 1. Could our relationship be more physical?
I'm tired of just being friends. 2. Go ahead and leave the seat up, it's easier for me to douche that way....
100 reasons why it's great to be a girl 1. free dinners 2.
free lunches 3. free brunches 4. free movies (you get the point) 5....
Things to do When Bored -Wax the ceiling -Rearrange political campaign signs -Sharpen your teeth -Play Houdini with one of your siblings -Braid your dog's hair -Clean and polish your belly button -Water your dog.
..see if he grows -Wash a tree -Knight yourself -Name your child Edsel -Scare Stephen King -Give your cat a mohawk -Purr -Mow your carpet -Play Pat Boone records backwards -Vacuum your lawn -Whine -Rake your carpet -Re-elect Richard Nixon -Critique "Three's Company" -Listen to a painting -Play with matches -Buff your cat -Race ferrets -Paint your house....
Men give love to get sex, Women give sex to get love
81 Rules and Instructions on Being A Man 1. Don't call.
EVER. 2. If you don't like a girl, don't tell her....