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What? Me Opinionated?
Short Jokes
Taglines MR
What? Me opinionated?
Me opinionated? . . . Nah!
What... Me Worry?
What me worry?
What me have a Virus.. Never!
You want me to clean what???
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL TERMS . . . and Their Real Meanings AVERAGE EMPLOYEE ----- Not too bright EXCEPTIONALLY WELL QUALIFIED ----- Made no major blunders yet CHARACTER ABOVE REPROACH ----- Still one step ahead of the law ZEALOUS ATTITUDE ----- Opinionated QUICK THINKING ----- Offers plausible excuses for mistakes CAREFUL THINKER ----- Won't make a decision TAKES PRIDE IN WORK ----- Conceited FORCEFUL ----- Argumentative AGGRESSIVE ----- Obnoxious USES LOGIC ON DIFFICULT JOBS ----- Gets someone else to do it A KEEN ANALYST ----- Thoroughly confused EXPRESSES THEMSELVES WELL ----- Speaks English CONSCIENTIOUS ----- Scared METICULOUS ATTENTION TO DETAIL ----- A nit picker HAS LEADERSHIP QUALITIES ----- Is tall or has a loud voice EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD JUDGEMENT ----- Lucky STRONG PRINCIPLES ----- Stubborn CAREER MINDED ----- Back Stabber COMING ALONG WELL ----- About to be let go OF GREAT VALUE TO THE ORGANIZATION ----- Gets to work on time RELAXED ATTITUDE ----- Sleeps at desk EXPERIENCED PROBLEM SOLVER ----- Screws up often INDEPENDENT WORKER ----- Nobody knows what he/she does FORWARD THINKING ----- Procrastinator GREAT PRESENTATION SKILLS ----- Able to b.
Don't tell me what kind of day to have!!
Time, time, time: see what's become of me.
Trust me, I know what I'm tagging.