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Allow Me To Seduce You Into My Rancour.
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Allow me to seduce you into my rancour.
Some thoughts... -- Spotted on the back of a tshirt worn by LAPD Bomb Squad
If you see me running, try to keep up." -- Light travels faster than sound....
Note: If answer to last question begins with "T" or "A", discontinue and leave premises - keeping your head low and running in a serpentine fashion is advised* What do you want to be IF you grow up?
I swear that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of death, bodily harm, dismemberment, torture or mental abuse....
Allow me to be the first to recommend an excellent book of *really* nasty revenge getters.
It's called "Getting Even: the complete book of Dirty Tricks" (in 2 volumes, I believe) Unfortunately, I don't have my copy here, so I can't give the author's name, but I think it (they?...
Ralph's Observation: It is a mistake to allow any mechanical object to realize that you are in a hurry.
USEFUL PHRASES TO KNOW WHEN TRAVELING IN MOSLEM AREAS "Akbar khali-kili haftir lotfan" = (Thank you for showing me your marvelous gun) "Fekr gabul cardan davat paeh gush divar" = (I am delighted to accept your kind invitation to lie down on the floor with my arms above my head and my legs apart) "Shomaeh fekr tamomeh oeh gofteh bande" = (I agree with everything you have ever said or thought in your life) "Auto arraregh davateman mano sepheh-hast" = (It is exceptionally kind of you to allow me to travel in the trunk of your car) "Khrel jepaheh maneh vajateii amrikahey" = (I will tell you the names and addresses of many American spies traveling as reporters) "Balli
balli, balli!" = (Whatever you say!) "Maternier ghermez ahlieh, ghorban" = (The red blindfold would be lovely, excellency) "Tikeh nuneh ba ob khrelleh bezorg va khrube boyast ino begeram" = (The water-soaked bread crumbs are delicious, thank you....
If you want my advice, pay me!
Do you like me for my brain, or my baud?