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There Should Be A Better Way To Start A Day Than Waking Up Every Morning
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Bernard Shaw
There should be a better way to start a day
Than waking up every morning
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death....
Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. -- Emile Coue
From a letter to the editor of a city newspaper. "One recent research study has indicated that many adolescents need more sleep than they are getting
and another study has shown that many high school students in our city are actually dissatisfied with their own academic performance....
A child hasn't a grown-up person's appetite for affection.
A little of it goes a long way with them; and they like a good imitation of it better than the real thing, as every nurse knows....
BlondeWare - Better than the Head Start program
No objects of value are worth risking the priceless experience of waking up just one more day.
-- Jack Smith...
Skinner: He's gradually getting away, Chief. Wiggum
Ah, let him go. I have the feeling we'll meet again, each and every week....
I'm always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning .
. . Every day I find something creative to do with my life....
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. -- W.C. Field