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There Was A Young Girl Named Sapphire Who Succumbed To Her Lover's Desire.
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There was a young girl named Sapphire
Who succumbed to her lover's desire.
She said, "It's a sin,
But now that it's in,
Could you shove it a few inches higher?"
There was a young girl named Saphire Who succumbed to her lover's desire.
She said, "It's a sin, But now that it's in, Could you shove it a few inches higher?...
There was a young lady named Twiss Who said she thought fucking a bliss, For it tickled her bum And caused her to come .
iht ekil gniyl ylbatrofmoc elihW...
Said a horny young girl from Milpitas, "My favorite sport is coitus.
But a fullback from State Made her period late, And now she has athlete's fetu...
My next-door neighbor's little girl, 16 years old, pretty little girl--showed up just as pregnant as she could be.
Her mama hit the ceiling. She said, "Who done it?...
There was a young girl from Hong Kong Whose cervical cap was a gong.
She said with a yell, As a shot rang her bell, "I'll give you a ding for a dong!...
We were young and our happiness dazzled us with its strength.
But there was also a terrible betrayal that lay within me like a Merle Haggard song at a French restaurant....
I hate blind dates, but a friend says he could set me up, so I said, "Okay.
But you should have seen this girl. It was like she hadn't taken a bath in a month....