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You Want The Truth? You Want The Truth? You Can't Handle The Truth!
Fortune Cookies
Homer Simpson
You want the truth? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
'Cause when you reach over and put your hand into a pile of goo that
used to be your best friend's face, you'll know what to do!
-- Homer Simpson
Secrets of a Successful Marriage
Marge: Homer, I really don't like you telling personal secrets in your class.
Homer: Marge, I didn't tell 'em personal stuff. Marge...
If you want to annoy your neighbors, tell the truth about them. ARETINO
Bob: Enough! Lies, lies, lies! I did it! I did it all!
[everyone gasps] There. Bart: We want the truth!...
If you really want to annoy your neighbors and worry them no end, cause them to sit up nights in anxiety, than there is but one way to do it.
Tell the truth about them. Truth needs no embellishment and is always better than any fiction possible....
If you want to annoy your neighbors, tell the truth about them. -- Pietro Aretino
You shall know the truth and be freed.
Homer: Boy, you've got to go to your teacher and tell her the truth!
Marge: No, Homer, the truth will humiliate her! Home...
Lenny: You want another card or not? Homer: Huh? Oh, OK.
I'll take three. [Moe deals them] D'oh! D'oh! D'oh!...
On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vai
either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow....