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Post V. To Send A Message To A Mailing List Or Newsgroup.
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Jargon File
post v.
To send a message to a mailing list or
newsgroup. Distinguished in context from `mail'; one might
ask, for example: "Are you going to post the patch or mail it to
known users?"
post: v. To send a message to a {mailing list} or {newsgroup}.
Distinguished in context from `mail'; one might ask, for example...
posting n. Noun corresp. to v. post (but note that post can be nouned).
Distinguished from a `letter' or ordinary email message by the fact that it is broadcast rather than point-to-point....
posting: n. Noun corresp. to v. {post} (but note that {post} can be nouned).
Distinguished from a `letter' or ordinary {email} message by the fact that it is broadcast rather than point-to-point....
How many AOL users -- does it take to change a light bulb?
Eleven. One to ask to be on the light bulb gif mailing list, nine to say "ME TOO!...
plokta /plok't*/ v. [acronym: Press Lots Of Keys To Abort] To press random keys in an attempt to get some response from the system.
One might plokta when the abort procedure for a program is not known, or when trying to figure out if the system is just sluggish or really hung....
EX POST FACTO - Lost in the mail.
Ex post fucto (Lost in the mail)
Q: Somebody just posted that Roman Polanski directed Star Wars.
What should I do? A: Post the correct answer at once!...