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Hitogram /shit'oh-gram/ N. A Really Nasty Piece Of Email.
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shitogram /shit'oh-gram/ n.
A really nasty piece
of email. Compare nastygram, flame.
hitogram /shit'oh-gram/ n. A really nasty piece of email. Compare nastygram, flame.
astygram /nas'tee-gram/ n. 1. A protocol packet or item of email (the latter is also called a letterbomb) that takes advantage of misfeatures or security holes on the target system to do untoward things.
2. Disapproving mail, esp. from a net.god, pursuant to a violation of netiquette or a complaint about failure to correct some mail- or news-transmission problem....
astygram: /nas'tee-gram/ n. 1. A protocol packet or item of email (the latter is also called a {letterbomb}) that takes advantage of misfeatures or security holes on the target system to do untoward things.
2. Disapproving mail, esp. from a {net.god}, pursuant to a violation of {netiquette} or a complaint about failure to correct some mail- or news-transmission problem....
letterbomb: 1. n. A piece of {email} containing {live data} intended to do nefarious things to the recipient's machine or terminal.
It is possible, for example, to send letterbombs that will lock up some specific kinds of terminals when they are viewed, so thoroughly that the user must cycle power (see {cycle}, sense 3) to unwedge them....
letterbomb 1. n. A piece of email containing live data intended to do nefarious things to the recipient's machine or terminal.
It used to be possible, for example, to send letterbombs that would lock up some specific kinds of terminals when they are viewed, so thoroughly that the user must cycle power (see cycle, sense 3) to unwedge them....
mailbomb (also mail bomb) [Usenet] 1. v. To send, or urge others to send, massive amounts of email to a single system or person, esp.
with intent to crash or spam the recipient's system....
mailbomb: (also mail bomb) [USENET] 1. v. To send, or urge others to send, massive amounts of {email} to a single system or person, esp.
with intent to crash or {spam} the recipient's system....
UCE n. [abbrev., Unsolicited Commercial Email] A widespread, more formal term for email spam.
Compare UBE, which may be superseding it....
black hole: n. What a piece of email or netnews has fallen into if it disappears mysteriously between its origin and destination sites (that is, without returning a {bounce message}).
I think there's a black hole at foovax!" conveys suspicion that site foovax has been dropping a lot of stuff on the floor lately (see {drop on the floor})....