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Ip Of The Ice-cube N. // [IBM] The Visible Part Of Something Small And Insignificant.
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Jargon File
tip of the ice-cube n. //
[IBM] The visible part of
something small and insignificant. Used as an ironic comment in
situations where `tip of the iceberg' might be appropriate if the
subject were at all important.
ip of the ice-cube n. // [IBM] The visible part of something small and insignificant.
Used as an ironic comment in situations where `tip of the iceberg' might be appropriate if the subject were at all important....
Remember to leave 15% for the tip of the iceberg.
quux /kwuhks/ n. [Mythically, from the Latin semi-deponent verb quuxo, quuxare, quuxandum iri
oun form variously `quux' (plural `quuces', anglicized to `quuxes') and `quuxu' (genitive plural is `quuxuum', for four u-letters out of seven in all, using up all the `u' letters in Scrabble)....
quux: /kwuhks/ [Mythically, from the Latin semi-deponent verb quuxo, quuxare, quuxandum iri
oun form variously `quux' (plural `quuces', anglicized to `quuxes') and `quuxu' (genitive plural is `quuxuum', for four u-letters out of seven in all, using up all the `u' letters in Scrabble)....
Always tip well.
To tip-fin. -- Cliches for merfolk
Dear Emily: How can I choose what groups to post in?
-- Confused Dear Confused: Pick as many as you can, so that you get the widest audience....
IBM: Insignificant Bothersome Machine
Security Holes Found In Microsoft Easter Eggs REDMOND, WA -- It's damage control time for the Microsoft Marketing Machine.
Not only have exploits been found in IE, Outlook, and even the Dancing Paper Clip, but now holes have been uncovered in Excel's Flight Simulator and Word's pinball game....