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Bot Spot N. [MUD] The User On A MUD With The Longest Connect Time.
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Jargon File
bot spot n.
[MUD] The user on a MUD with the longest
connect time. Derives from the fact that bots on MUDS often
stay constantly connected and appear at the bottom of the list.
bot n [common on IRC, MUD and among gamers; from `robot'] 1.
An IRC or MUD user who is actually a program. On IRC, typically the robot provides some useful service....
MUD /muhd/ n. [acronym, Multi-User Dungeon; alt.
Multi-User Dimension] 1. A class of virtual reality experiments accessible via the Internet....
bamf /bamf/ 1. [from X-Men comics; originally "bampf"] interj.
Notional sound made by a person or object teleporting in or out of the hearer's vicinity....
ucking mud: [Applied Data Research] adj. (also `pumping mud') Crashed or {wedged}.
Usually said of a machine that provides some service to a network, such as a file server....
ucking mud adj. [Applied Data Research] (also `pumping mud') Crashed or wedged.
Usually said of a machine that provides some service to a network, such as a file server....
jack in: v. To log on to a machine or connect to a network or {BBS}, esp.
for purposes of entering a {virtual reality} simulation such as a {MUD} or {IRC} (leaving is "jacking out")....
jack in v. To log on to a machine or connect to a network or BBS, esp.
for purposes of entering a virtual reality simulation such as a MUD or IRC (leaving is "jacking out")....
lag n. [MUD, IRC; very common] When used without qualification this is synomous with netlag.
Curiously, people will often complain "I'm really lagged" when in fact it is their server or network connection that is lagging....
obot: [IRC, MUD] n. An {IRC} or {MUD} user who is actually a program.
On IRC, typically the robot provides some useful service....