How Many NHS Hospital Staff -- Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

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-- How many
NHS hospital staff
-- does it take to change a light bulb?
Six. Person (1) reports bulb is not working and requests a
new one. Department supervisor (2) sends order form to
maintenance department. Maintenance department clerk (3)
decides whether to make it priority case. Job booked.
Supervisor (4) decides whether it should be done individually
or with other jobs. Order is placed in maintenance man's
pigeonhole. Maintenance man (5) fills in ticket describing
job. He picks up the parts needed. He goes to scene of faulty
light bulb. He fits bulb or discovers he cannot mend light.
He returns to department and reports back. He completes work
ticket putting this in writing. Work ticket is checked by
maintenance department to see whether order carried out. Then
checked to see task completed in time set out under
department guidelines. Ticket filed. Member of department (6)
checks ticket against department work plan. Details go into
department's workload report.
(Allegedly true version - believe it if you will.)
