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I Can't Believe You Haven't Had Sex In 200 Years." "204 If You Count My Marriage.
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"I can't believe you haven't had sex in 200 years."
"204 if you count my marriage."
-- Woody Allen, "Sleeper"
I'm not the heroic type. I was beaten up by Quakers. -- Woody Allen, Sleepe
Sex between a man and a woman can be wonderful, provided you get between the right man and the right woman.
.. -- Woody Alle...
Marriage is the death of hope." -- Woody Allen, "A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy
How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?
-- Woody Alle...
Yes, that was Richard Nixon. He used to be President.
When he left the White House, the Secret Service would count the silverware....
Yes, that was Richard Nixon. He used to be President.
When he left the White House, the Secret Service would count the silverware....
Yes, that was Richard Nixon. He used to be President.
When he left the White House, the Secret Service would count the silverware....
I believe in sex and death -- two experiences that come once in a lifetime. -- Woody Alle
I was such a pacifist I used to get beaten up by Quakers -- Woody Allen,Sleepe