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If I Were Any More Convenient, I'd Be A Nuisance.
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If I were any more convenient, I'd be a nuisance.
Any government, like a family, can for a year spend more than it earns.
But you and I know that a continuance of that habit means the poorhouse. -- Franklin D. Roosevel...
T were vain to tell thee all I feel, Or say for thee I 'd die.
-- J. A. Wade (1800-1875) -- 'T were vain to tell...
The more I look, the more I like it. I do think it's good. I wish you were here to see it.
If I were here more often, I wouldn't be gone so much.
it is now some years since I detected how many were the false beliefs that I ha d believed to be true since my earliest youth.
And since that time, I have bee n convinced that I must once and for all seriously try to rid myself of all the opiniouns which I had formerly accepted, and begin to build anew, if I wanted t o establish any firm and permanent structure for my beliefs....
SMILEY :^D "Great! I like it!
When I have a convenient season, I will call for thee. -- New Testament -- Acts xxiv, 25
I believe there is a limit beyond which free speech cannot go, but it's a limit that's very seldom mentioned.
It's the point where free speech begins to collide with the right to privacy....
Calm? Of COURSE I'm calm! I've never been so calm in my LIFE!
! IF I WERE ANY MORE CALM, I'D BE DEAD!!!!!!! -- Wilbur, Rescuers Down Unde...