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All Newspaper Editorial Writers Ever Do Is Come Down From The Hills After The Battle Is Over And Shoot The Wounded.
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All newspaper editorial writers ever do is come down from the hills
after the battle is over and shoot the wounded.
-- Anonymous
All newspaper editorial writers ever do is come down from the hills after the battle is over and shoot the wounded.
The following is from an editorial in the Midvale Observer, a local newspaper.
"Ever since the 1950's when television sets began to appear in the average home, the rate of crimes committed by teenagers in the country of Alta has steadily increased....
Isn't it incredible that the news from all over the world always fit exactly into the newspaper?
The best people, like the best wines, come from the hills. -- Edward Abbey
This one is for all you military types. For those who don't know, Rangers are *extremely* well trained members of the U.
S. Army. Marines are people who start out as normal soldiers and then are made to believe that bullets don't actually hurt....
Where do all these lemmings come from, anyway?
Asked how she felt being the first woman to make a major-league team
he said, "Like a pig in mud," or words to that effect, and then turned and released a squirt of tobacco juice from the wad of rum soaked plug in her right cheek....
If you ever feel like you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown, just follow these simple rule
First, calm down; second, come over and wash my ca...
Stand down from battle stations, and Ensign change your phase