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If The US Postal Service Went Email, How Would You Get Stamps On This Stuff?
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If the US postal service went email,
how would you get stamps on this stuff?
-- Crazy Wasserman, 1986 ( or 2 A. I. for after Internet )
U.S. Postal Service
ail-mail: n. Paper mail, as opposed to electronic.
Sometimes written as the single word `SnailMail'....
Internet n. The mother of all networks. First incarnated beginning in 1969 as the ARPANET, a U.
S. Department of Defense research testbed. Though it has been widely believed that the goal was to develop a network architecture for military command-and-control that could survive disruptions up to and including nuclear war, this is a myth...
Postal service -- Oxymoro
ail-mail n. Paper mail, as opposed to electronic.
Sometimes written as the single word `SnailMail'....
cybercrud /si:'ber-kruhd/ n. 1. [coined by Ted Nelson] Obfuscatory tech-talk.
Verbiage with a high MEGO factor. The computer equivalent of bureaucratese....
cybercrud: /si:'ber-kruhd/ n. 1. [coined by Ted Nelson] Obfuscatory tech-talk.
Verbiage with a high {MEGO} factor. The computer equivalent of bureaucratese....
Artichokes ... are just plain annoying.... After all the trouble you go to, you get about as much actual "food" out of eating an artichoke as you would from licking thirty or forty postage stamps.
Have the shrimp cocktail instead. -- "Miss Piggy...
How can a bishop marry? How can he flirt? The most he can say i
"I will see you in the vestry after the service....