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If You Don't Find It In The Index, Look Very Carefully Through The Entire Catalogue.
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If you don't find it in the Index,
look very carefully through the entire catalogue.
-- "Consumer's Guide", Sears, Roebuck and Co. (1897)
Can you repeat the part after "Listen very carefully"?
Unix is the answer, but only if you phrase the question very carefully.
If we had an index file, we could look it up in the index file under "Index File".
This is obvious. But don't look at it too carefully, or it becomes unobvious, until you look at it for a long time when it becomes obvious again.
You have to be very careful these days. If you get involved with somebody you have to know their health history.
The best way to find out is to look through their medicine cabinet....
Now, I want you to look very carefully at what we have just proved.
What we have just proved is false." [slight pause while what he has just said sinks in] "Oh dear, that's going to go onto the computer, isn't it....
You are not being harassed, if you have to look to find it.
Upgrading your memory gives you MORE RAM! - ad in MacWAREHOUSE catalogue.
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
-- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...