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I'm Desperately Trying To Figure Out Why Kamikaze Pilots Wore Helmets. -- Dave Ediso
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I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets.
-- Dave Edison
Ross Perot - still trying to figure out who "they" are.
The mistake you make is in trying to figure it out. -- Tenessee William
Gee, you guys are all way ahead of me! I'm still here trying to figure > out the 4x1x1 Rubik's String.
And me! I'm going berzerk trying to figure out the 1x1x1 Rubik's spot....
I figure that the best way to figure what the IRS will figure is to get them to figure what you are figuring that they will figure that you are not really figuring what you want them to figure that you figure.
If you figure all of this out sufficiently, you have got to figure that they can't figure you out in the first place....
Some of my ancestors fought in the American Revolution.
A few more wore red coats, a few wore blue coats, and the rest wore no coats at all....
Scott: "Geordi, I have spent my whole life, trying to figure out crazy ways of doing things.
I'm telling you, as one engineer to another...I can *do* this." -- "Relics", Stardate Unknow...
Too bad about the kamikaze pilots. They had to do all their bragging ahead of time.
-- Tommy Sledge...
We've got a problem, HAL". "What kind of problem, Dave?
"A marketing problem. The Model 9000 isn't going anywhere....