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It Is When You Take For Yourself That You Truly Take.
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It is when you take for yourself that you truly take.
Never take a drink when you are feeling sorry for yourself.
No matter what seat you take in a movie theatre, the seat directly in front of you will soon be occupied by a six-foot tall woman with a beehive hairdo that scrapes the ceiling.
When you move away from the Beehive Lady, you will find yourself sitting in front of a foul-smelling man who truly believes that he has a supporting role in the film....
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. -- Kahlil Gibran, The Prophe...
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. -- Kahlil Gibra...
When you find yourself in danger, When you're threatened by a stranger, When it looks like you will take a lickin'.
.. There is one thing you should learn, When there is no one else to turn to, Caaaaaall for Super Chicken....
Lighten up! You take yourself much too seriously!
If you take yourself seriously in politics, you've had it. -- Lord Carringto
People are never so ready to believe you as when you say things in dispraise of yourself
and you are never so much annoyed as when they take you at your word....
Shall I take you to a restaurant that's got glass tables?
You can watch yourself while you are eating!...