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Aman-Tut And Julius Caesar -- They Both Foresaw Their Untimely Deaths, Thousands Of Years Ago, In This Very Oracle.
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"Aman-Tut and Julius Caesar -- they both foresaw
their untimely deaths, thousands of years ago, in
this very oracle. And so did Max Headroom."
-- ABC seeks after David Addison with help from a soothsayer, in MOONLIGHTING
Bill Cosby, huh?" "If you play your cards right..." -- David Addison, baby, from MOONLIGHTING
If it's not loud, it doesn't work! -- Blank Reg, from Max Headroom
Bring back Max Headroom!
Due to a very strange accident involving a irrational particle accelerator, a liquid lunch and some rubber bands, (which was very strange indeed.
Many who tried to imitate it ended up looking very silly or dead or both) Wogon Zarniwoop has become immortal....
Alia jacta est. (The die is cast.) --Julius Caesar after crossing the Rubico
Addison, will you get serious!" "Serious? I just had my hand on your behind
if I get any more serious, they'll move us to cable!" -- Addison and Maddy from "Moonlighting...
Help me, Cassius, or I sink! -- William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Julius Caesar -- Act i, Sc. 2
Morality is one thing. Ratings are everything. -- A Network 23 executive on Max Headroom
Alea jacta est. [The die is cast.] -- Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.) after crossing the Rubico