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Mapping? No, I'm Not Mapping. I Thought YOU Were Mapping!
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Mapping? No, I'm not mapping. I thought YOU were mapping!
Riker: "Deanna, I don't know if you can hear me, I've, I've heard doctors say that even when someone's in a coma, they may be able to hear when people talk to them.
But it might help, to stimulate the brain...speed healing....
Q: How many Vim developers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. We'll create an option for it that the user can set....
Skinner: Now, this morning we're going to be mapping a small square of sky that's thought to be empty.
It's my hope that it's not. Bart: So what am I supposed to do exactly?...
Nature is the chart of God, mapping out all His attribute
art is the shadow of His wisdom, and copieth His resources. -- Tuppe...
flatten vt. [common] To remove structural information, esp.
o filter something with an implicit tree structure into a simple sequence of leave...
Picard: "Captain's Log, Stardate 44429.6. We're on a mapping survey near the Cardassian sector.
It has been nearly a year since peace treaty ended the long conflict between the Federation and Cardassia....
Picard: "Captain's Log, Stardate 45429.3. While on a mapping survey, we are conveying a delegation of Ullian to Caldra IV.
These telepathic historians conduct their research by retrieving long forgotten memories....
I thought you were dead...
flatten: vt. To remove structural information, esp.
o filter something with an implicit tree structure into a simple sequence of leave...