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My Mother Made Me A Homosexual! If I Send Her The Yarn, Can She Make Me One Too?
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My mother made me a homosexual!
If I send her the yarn, can she make me one too?
All that I am my mother made me. -- John Quincy Adam
My wife doesn't give me any trouble anymore. She died.
I had her cremated. I mixed in a little marijuana and smoked her....
My mother loves ME! It's the computer she hates.
Nobody loves me but my mother, And she could be jivin' too. -- B. B. King -- blues lyric
Louie, Louie, me gotta go Louie, Louie, me gotta go Fine little girl she waits for me Me catch the ship for cross the sea Me sail the ship all alone Me never thinks me make it home [chorus] Three nights and days me sail the sea Me think of girl constantly On the ship I dream she there I smell the rose in her hair [choru
And often did beguile her of her tears, When I did speak of some distressful stroke That my youth suffer'd.
My story being done, She gave me for my pains a world of sigh...
There's not a lot of warmth between me and my mother.
I asked her about it. I said, "Mrs. Stoller ..." -- Fred Stolle...
My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.
-- Mark Twain (1835-1910)...
My girlfriend told me that she was seeing another man. I told her to rub her eyes. -- Emo Philip