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Once Made Equal To Man, Woman Becomes His Superior. -- Socrate
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Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.
-- Socrates
A man will be a man all his life, but a woman is only sexy till she becomes your wife.
-- Al Bundy, (Married With Children)...
The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions. -- Confuciu
Woman was created from the rib of man; Not from his head to be thought of only
or from his hand to be owned, nor from his foot to be beneath, but from under his arm to be protected, from his side to be equal, and from his heart to be loved....
Woman was taken out of man -- not out of his head, to rule over him
or out of his feet, to be trampled under by him; but out of his side, to be equal to him -- under his arm, that he might protect her, and near his heart that he might love her....
If the average man is made in God's image, then such a man as Beethoven or Aristotle is plainly superior to God.
The evidence indicates that woman is, on the whole, biologically superior to man.
- - Ashley Montagu (1905- ) "The Natural Superiority of Women" (1952)...
Well, it's hard for a mere man to believe that woman doesn't have equal rights.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhowe...
Man has his will, but woman has her way!