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A New York City Ordinance Prohibits The Shooting Of Rabbits From The Rear Of A Third Avenue Street Car -- If The Car Is In Motion.
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A New York City ordinance prohibits the shooting of rabbits from the
rear of a Third Avenue street car -- if the car is in motion.
A New York City ordinance prohibits the shooting of rabbits from the rear of a Third Avenue street car -- if the car is in motion.
And I want a new car... And I want the city to pay for it all!
"What kind of a car, Miller?" "Something with reclining leather seats that goes really fast and gets really shitty gas mileage....
According to a judicial decision in New York, "A railway company which negligently throws a passenger from a crowded car on a trestle is held liable for injury to a relative who
in going to his rescue, falls through the trestle....
You may be redneck... if you sell rabbits out of your car.
The best safety device on a car is a rear view mirror with a policeman in it. -- Gil Ste
In yet another effort to clean up New York City the mayor urged the City Council to pass legislation that would require alternate side of the street urinating.
-- Dennis Mille...
You know that you are from a small town if the main street of the place runs through a car wash.
New feminizt car -- 1995 MitsuBitchy.