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People Who Aren't Going To Go Any Faster Than The Speed Limit Really Ought To Put Their Hazard Lights On.
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People who aren't going to go any faster than the speed limit really ought
to put their hazard lights on.
-- Nibble's Rules Of The Road, #19
Small town sign: "Speed Limit 15 MPH: Our kids can't run any faster.
Nothing is faster than the speed of light.
You shouldn't go faster than twice the speed of light-- it's too hard on the tires.
Regardless of the legal speed limit, your Buick must be operated at speeds faster than 85 MPH (140kph).
-- presumable misprint from the 1987 Buick Grand National owners manual....
Those people who go to psychiatrists ought to have their heads examined!
I used to live in a house by the freeway. When I went anywhere, I had to be going 65 MPH by the end of my driveway.
I replaced the headlights in my car with strobe lights....
I was going 70 miles an hour and got stopped by a cop who said, "Do you know the speed limit is 55 miles per hour?
Yes, officer, but I wasn't going to be out that long..." -- Steven Wrigh...
My other car is *ALSO* a road hazard...
We're going to have to go directly to... Ludicrous speed!