Perhaps I have given you the wrong impression. A wizard's life is not all
fame, fortune and frivolity. There must be periods of rest as well, when a
wizard should find a safe retreat where he can seclude himself from sorcery
and restore his health and vitality in the proper ascetic atmosphere. While
lengthy retreats can deplete a wizard's fortunes, I have always preferred the
ascetic atmosphere present in the pleasure gardens of Vushta, where a dozen
handmaidens can attend to your every need. And the budget-conscious sorcerer
should be sure to ask about their special mid-week retreat package plans.
-- The Teachings of Ebenezum, Vol. XCV (Special annual supplement)
The professional wizard, it is said, should always watch his hands.
Actually, the truly professional wizard should watch a great many other things
as well, including the reactions of his audience, the door or window that
constitutes the nearest exit, and, perhaps most important, the constantly
fluctuating interest rates on his retirement account in the First Bank of
Wizards are constantly subject to negative publicity. A case in point. One
elderly wizard of my acquaintance, whenever he was bothered by unexpected
guests, would immediately cast one of three spells upon them, either turning
them to stone, transforming them into segmented worms, or blasting them
entirely out of the kingdom....