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Priority: A Statement Of The Importance Of A User Or A Program.
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Priority: A statement of the importance of a user or a program. Often
expressed as a relative priority, indicating that the user doesn't care
when the work is completed so long as he is treated less badly than
someone else.
Priority: A statement of the importance of a user or a program.
Often expressed as a relative priority, indicating that the user doesn't care when the work is completed so long as he is treated less badly than someone else....
user n. 1. Someone doing `real work' with the computer, using it as a means rather than an end.
Someone who pays to use a computer. See real user....
HEALTH WARNING: Care Should Be Taken When Lifting This Product, Since Its Mass, and Thus Its Weight, Is Dependent on Its Velocity Relative to the User.
You know you've been hacking too long when... ...your SO kisses you on the neck and the first thing you think is "Uh, oh, priority interrupt.
cycle 1. n. The basic unit of computation. What every hacker wants more of (noted hacker Bill Gosper described himself as a "cycle junkie").
One can describe an instruction as taking so many `clock cycles'....
cycle: 1. n. The basic unit of computation. What every hacker wants more of (noted hacker Bill Gosper describes himself as a "cycle junkie").
One can describe an instruction as taking so many `clock cycles'....
Hackers do it with high priority.
User-friendly: Supplied with a full color manual. Very user-friendly
Supplied with an on-disk and audiotape tutorial, so the user needn't bother with the full color manual....
demo /de'moh/ [short for `demonstration'] 1. v. To demonstrate a product or prototype.
A far more effective way of inducing bugs to manifest than any number of test runs, especially when important people are watching....