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Public Schools Are The Nurseries Of All Vice And Immorality.
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Public schools are the nurseries of all vice and immorality.
He grew up in Washington, D.C., and he's the son of a wealthy U.
S. Senator... He went to the most expensive private schools in Washington, D....
I will describe] where I come from and what kind of a house I lived in when I was a kid
how many public schools that I went to - five elementary, two high schools - product of a public school system, two jobs in college, went to night school, worked my way through law school....
Teaching 3 "R's" in Miami public schools - rap, rubbers & revolvers.
Immorality will continue until beatings improve.
Public speaking is very easy. -- Vice President Dan Quayle to reporters in 10/88
It is only an auctioneer who can equally and impartially admire all schools of art.
It sometimes seems as though we were trying to combine the ideal of no schools at all with the democratic ideal of schools for everybody by having schools without education.
-- Robert Maynard Hutchi...
Superintendant Chamers: "Religion has no place in public schools the way facts have no place in organized religion.
Episode: when Skinners is fired as principal...
This is Usenet. We're all masterbating in public places. -- Daw