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Riker: "Who Does He Think He Is?" Troi: "The Quartermaster Of The Supply Yard, With Information You Need.
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Riker: "Who does he think he is?"
Troi: "The quartermaster of the supply yard, with information you need."
Riker: "Right."
-- "Unification I", Stardate 45240.6
Riker: "I'm Commander William Riker from the Starship Enteprise.
Dokachin: "Dokachin, Quartermaster Surplus Depot Zed One Five....
Riker: "I don't believe this!" Troi: "He's king to his particular hill, Commander.
You have to treat him that way." Riker: "Counselor, this feels like a perfect job for you....
Riker: "I've been doing a little research. Trying to find out more about William T.
Riker." Troi: "What have you discovered?" Riker: "He's a musician, for one thing....
Riker: "Mister Dekachin?" Dokachin: "Dokachin. Krim Dokachin.
Riker: "Mister Dokachin, the information I need involves a matter of major importance to the Federation....
I hate to be indiscreet, but who's the father?! -- Riker to Troi, "The Child", stardate 42073.1
Picard: "Well done, Mister Data. Though...I don't think you got Commander Riker's hair quite right.
Data: "I will be more observant in the future, sir." -- "Unification II", Stardate 45245.8...
Riker: "You said he made a pass at you, but you failed to mention whether he was successful or not.
Troi: [Just smiles] Riker: [Looks at Beverly] Beverly...
Omag: "Where's the waiter? Isn't there a waiter in this sorry place?
!" Riker: "Is there a problem?" Omag: "Yes. I need more napkins!...
Riker: "Move over." Amarie: "Oh, just what I need, another set of hands.
-- "Unification II", Stardate 45245.8...