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Since It Is Reason Which Shapes And Regulates All Other Things, It Ought Not Itself To Be Left In Disorder.
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Since it is Reason which shapes and regulates all other things, it
ought not itself to be left in disorder.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD)
-- Discourses, Chap. xvii
The appearance of things to the mind is the standard of every action to man.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- That we ought not to be angry with Mankind, -- Discourses, Book i, Chap....
There are some things which men confess with ease, and others with difficulty.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Of Inconsistency, -- Discourses, Book ii, Chap. xxi...
Reason is not measured by size or height, but by principle.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xii...
Difficulties are things that show what men are. -- Epictetus (c.
60 AD) -- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xxiv...
Every art and every faculty contemplates certain things as its principal objects.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xx...
Practise yourself, for heaven's sake, in little thing
and thence proceed to greater. -- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xviii...
To a reasonable creature, that alone is insupportable which is unreasonable
but everything reasonable may be supported. -- Epictetus (c....
The essence of good and evil is a certain disposition of the will.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Of Courage, -- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xxix...
Let not another's disobedience to Nature become an ill to you
for you were not born to be depressed and unhappy with others, but to be happy with them....