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The Birds Are Singing, The Flowers Are Budding, And It Is Time For Miss Manners To Tell Young Lovers To Stop Necking In Public.
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The birds are singing, the flowers are budding, and it is time for Miss Manners
to tell young lovers to stop necking in public.
The birds are singing, the flowers are budding, and it is time for Miss Manners to tell young lovers to stop necking in public.
It's not that Miss Manners is immune to romance. Miss Manners has been known to squeeze a gentleman's arm while being helped over a curb, and, in her wild youth, even to press a dainty slipper against a foot or two under the dinner table....
For, lo! the winter is past, the rain is over and gone
he flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land....
Tell those Marines to stop singing in the halls! -- Famous Last Word
Dear Miss Manners: I carry a big black umbrella, even if there's just a thirty percent chance of rain.
May I ask a young lady who is a stranger to me to share its protection?...
What is it about a beautiful sunny afternoon, with the birds singing and the wind rustling through the leaves, that makes you want to get drunk?
And after you're real drunk, maybe go down to the public park and stagger around and ask people for money, and then lie down and go to sleep....
Dear Miss Manners -- Is it proper for a gentleman to compliment a lady on her tattoo? SAYINGS